A Prognosis for Disease Control in Children: Interrogating the Public Policy Initiative on Immunization in Enugu State
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Published: 20 March 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
Immunization is a powerful public health strategy and policy for improving child survival, not only by directly combating key diseases that kill children but also by providing a platform for other health services. Millions of children in low-income areas in Enugu State do not receive the full series of the vaccines on the National routine immunization schedule. The underlying tragedy provokes this research. Random sampling technique was used in choosing six low-income areas in Enugu State. Focus group discussion, questionnaire and face- to- face interview were the major tools used for data collection. Focus group discussion was essentially used to elicit information from mothers who have aversion for immunization.Statistical tools such as frequency tables, correlation coefficient and chi-square were used in data analysis and test of hypotheses. The correlation coefficient test revealed high correlation between lopsidedness in the implementation of immunization policy and high rate of death among children in lowincome areas. The chi-square test revealed that immunization policies are properly formulated but most low-income parents do not take their children for full immunization schedule because of insufficient enlightment campaign and sensitization strategy. In line with the findings, recommendations were proffered. Essentially, we recommended that immunization certificate should be given to mothers who fully immunized their children. Those who resist immunization should be deprived of democracy dividends from the government.
Keywords: Immunization, Public policy, children

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How to Cite
Prof. Emma E.O. Chukwuemeka, Dr. Aloysius Aduma, Dr. R.U. Onyekwelu. (2019-03-20). "A Prognosis for Disease Control in Children: Interrogating the Public Policy Initiative on Immunization in Enugu State." *Volume 1*, 1, 58-68